Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Cabin in the woods article, by Sean Richardson

These are a few points that I was able to gather from reading such article, I found these interesting looking at the different characters and what they ultimately brings to the movie.
  • 'The opening sequence introduces five college 'types', including the archetypal Whore, Athkete, Fool, scholar and virgin'. Here the article explores and explain the different characters that are portrayed in Cabin in the woods. Such characters are conventional within horror films, supporting  Steve Neal (1980) argument 'genres are instances of repetition and differences'. 
  • 'The characters leave the city for a weekend at the cabin in the woods, and the traditional backwoods verses city Levi Strauss binary oppositions are set up.' Here it hints the contrasting setting, I personally believe this subverts Cabin in the woods from any other horror films. It can therefore be argues that this is what made the movie as successful as it did, due to it being different and thus gaining a wide range of audience. 
  • 'Horror films such as Evil Dead or Wrong Turn are referenced, with the dark wild backwoods holding the dual push and pull of primal evil verses wild abandon'. Again reinforcing Steve Neal genre. 

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